
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant – Direct Hair Implantation

Direct Hair Implantation is a hair transplantation technique for people who are experiencing hair loss and want to have a quality hair transplant. Direct Hair Implantation is considered the most successful of the three advanced hair transplant procedures.

Despite the fact that hair transplant treatments are based on the same rationale, they can differ in terms of technology utilized. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a procedure that is comparable to Follicular Unit Extraction, AKA FUE.

Usually, a hair transplant surgery is often performed by removing healthy hair grafts from your head and transplanting them into areas called recipient areas where you need hair to regrow.

Features That Makes DHI Best

As previously said, hair transplant processes are very similar. But, what distinguishes them from one another, and what makes one of them unique? After you read the below paragraphs, you will be able to distinguish all hair transplant procedures.

  • Surgeons utilize straight cuts to remove hair follicles from the back of your head in Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), the oldest procedure in the hair transplant cosmetic industry. It is possible to observe a visible scar from the back of your head after the FUT treatment.
  • Unlike the FUT method, doctors extract hair follicles using point incisions rather than a horizontal incision in the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) approach. They place the hair grafts one by one into the recipient location after extracting them.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), on the other hand, is most frequently done using the FUE procedure. They even refer to the DHI as micro-FUE. When a surgeon installs extracted hair grafts in the recipient area, DHI differs from FUE. Surgeons utilize a device called an implementer that allows them to make incisions and plant at the same time.

To get more information and hear our offer for a hair transplant procedure, you can contact us by filling out the form.

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